American Indian/Alaska Native Employees Association for NRCS
To strengthen the NRCS mission by fostering the recruitment, retention, professional development, and career advancement of American Indians and Alaska Natives within NRCS and other federal agencies.
Provide training opportunities to improve NRCS services and outreach to American Indians and Alaska Natives and to promote higher educational opportunities by sponsoring a sustaining scholarship program.
Advocate for service to reservations and Indian Lands, and for the meeting of trust responsibilities.
Increase recognition of American Indians and Alaska Natives as a viable part of the NRCS workforce
Promote a greater sense of pride, professionalism, and unity among American Indian and Alaska Native employees.
Increase awareness of American Indian and Alaska Native cultures to the leadership of NRCS, other federal agencies, and fellow employees.
Develop a network that fosters a productive working relationship between NRCS and advisors at colleges and universities and other American Indian and Alaska Native organizations which will enhance recruitment of American Indians and Alaska Natives into NRCS.
Serve as a liaison between NRCS and the American Indian and Alaska Native community and tribal units in promoting the conservation of natural resources.

The American Indian/Alaska Native Employees Association for Natural Resources Conservation Service, in the spirit of cooperation and support of the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) mission, have elected to form an organization to advocate for service to reservations, Indian Lands, and the meeting of trust responsibilities.
The organization promotes the recruitment, retention, and professional development of American Indian and Alaska Native employees.
Membership in the organization is open to all interested parties. With the following charter and companion bylaws, we will achieve our vision by:
Advocating for a culturally diverse workforce.
Serving as a liaison between the American Indian and Alaska Native communities and our NRCS colleagues and organization.
Identifying and resolving barriers to employment of American Indian and Alaska Natives.
Shaping the future of natural resource management.
Latest Project
National Council and Elder Committee Joint Call
The Elder Committee has been very busy and the committee graciously shared their time to join the August AIANEA National Council meeting. Elders Loretta Metoxen, Jim Sappier and Ted Herrera and Committee Chairperson, Tanya Meyer-Dideriksen, gave an update on the work of the committee.
Elders in the 21st Century book is progressing with chapters on the Elders’ biographies, Elder wisdom for the 7 generations and history of their tribes. An Elder DVD is also being worked on to use at the NEDC WEWAI trainings. At the National council meeting the Elders talked about the importance of spiritual healing, eating natural foods provided by Mother Earth in each season, the urgency to address ecosystem health and that climate change is slowly moving and will affect all the world. The Elders started and ended the Council meeting with prayers and brought fresh inspiration and energy to the Council.
We are in need of an Elder Representative for Elder Joe Joaquin. Being an Elder Representative offers a special opportunity to work with and learn from the Elder. Elder Joaquin lives in Arizona. Please contact Tanya Meyer-Dideriksen, tanya.meyer@ia.usda.gov, if you are interested in this important and rewarding role.
Become a Member
To become a member, complete the form and mail to:
Sherry Cosper
PO Box 515
Temple, TX 76503