American Indian/Alaska Native Employees Association for NRCS
2017 AIANEA Scholarship Program
Congratulations to the 2017 AIANEA Scholarship Award Recipients!
Terra Brauhn of Montana receives the AIANEA Harold Bryant Memorial Scholarship
Kasey Jo Blevins of Oklahoma receives the AIANEA Natural Resources Management Scholarship
Meeya Yazzie of Utah receives the AIANEA STEM Scholarship Award
Terrance Mitchell of Georgia receives the AIANEA STEM Scholarship Award
Please visit AIANEA’s webpage in 2018 for upcoming scholarship announcements and opportunities.
Our Purpose
The AIANEA for the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is committed to promoting higher learning by awarding (4) educational scholarships in 2017. These scholarships are available to students pursuing a bachelor’s degree or technical certification in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), or a bachelor’s degree specializing in a related field for natural resources management. Qualifying degrees include, but are not limited to the subjects listed below:
Administrative AG Business Services Computer Science Microbiology
Agriculture Education Earth & Planetary Science Natural Resource Management
Agronomy Energy & Transportation Natural Resource Specialist
Animal Sciences Engineering (Agriculture, Biological, Plant Sciences
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical)
Behavioral & Social Sciences Environmental Management Physics & Astronomy
Biochemistry Environmental Sciences Rangeland Management
Cellular & Molecular Biology Mathematical Sciences Soil Science
Chemistry Medicine & Health Sciences
Who May Apply
Full-time students enrolled or accepted at an accredited college or university; or, High School (HS) graduates who are newly enrolled or accepted at an accredited college or university; and,
Are pursuing an educational degree as described by the scholarship selected on the Application.
To download a copy of the 2017 AIANEA Scholarship Application click here.
Application Deadline
All scholarship application packet materials must be submitted and received electronically by midnight on December 1, 2017. Please email your 2017 AIANEA Scholarship Application packet to aianeascholarship@gmail.com .
When emailing the scholarship application packet, please include the following on the Subject line: 2017 AIANEA Scholarship Application Packet
General Eligibility Requirements
Student must be a U.S. citizen and at least 18 years old.
Eligible students may only apply for one scholarship per calendar year.
Student must be an entering freshman, or be currently enrolled at a college or university as a continuing student.
Student must have a cumulative GPA from his/her High School or College of at least 2.5 or better.
Student must be working towards a degree or technical certificate as listed under “Our Purpose.”
Student must submit a complete 2017 AIANEA Scholarship Application packet electronically by the Application Deadline as instructed on page 6 of the 2017 AIANEA Scholarship Application Checklist.
General Information
Up to four Scholarship awards may be awarded per calendar year based on the availability of funds.
For 2017, the AIANEA National Council will award four scholarships, including:
One $500.00 AIANEA Natural Resources Management Scholarship Award;
Two $500.00 AIANEA Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Scholarship Awards;
One $500.00 AIANEA Harold Bryant Scholarship Award.
Scholarships will only be awarded to eligible students that apply and meet the scholarship criteria.
Scholarship applicants will be notified by December 18, 2017.
Scholarship award checks will be mailed out to Scholarship Recipients by December 22, 2017.
Tax Liability Disclaimer & Additional Information
AIANEA is not responsible for paying potential tax liability for any scholarship awarded. All scholarship award winners will be featured in the AIANEA Newsletter. No application or additional information submitted by a Scholarship Applicant will be returned to the Applicant.
2017 AIANEA Scholarship Categories
AIANEA Natural Resources Management Scholarship Award: The AIANEA Natural Resources Management Scholarship Award is a $500.00 scholarship awarded to students pursuing a degree in the natural resources fields related to soil, water, animals, plants, and air. The purpose of the award is to encourage and support undergraduate students in earning a Bachelor of Science in a natural resources management field. This scholarship has been developed by AIANEA members who are employees of the Natural Resources Conservation Service or the US Department of Agriculture for the purpose of promoting professional degrees and employment in conservation and natural resources management.
AIANEA Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Scholarship Award: The AIANEA Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Scholarship Award is a $500.00 award for students pursuing a degree in any science, technology, engineering and/or mathematics degree program. The purpose of the award is to encourage and support undergraduate students in earning a Bachelor of Science in any STEM-related field and to promote future employment in a STEM-related career. This scholarship has been developed by AIANEA members who are employees of the Natural Resources Conservation Service or the US Department of Agriculture for the purpose of promoting professional degrees and employment in a STEM career.
AIANEA Harold Bryant Scholarship Award: The AIANEA Harold Bryant Scholarship Award is a $500.00 award for students pursuing a certificate or degree in any field leading to completion of a certification or degree program. The purpose of the award is to encourage and support trade school and undergraduate students in earning a technical trade or degree to empower them to reach their goals. This scholarship has been developed by AIANEA members who are employees of the Natural Resources Conservation Service or the US Department of Agriculture for the purpose of honoring AIANEA Lifetime Member Harold Bryant who departed his Earthly home in 2013. Harold inspired all of us to do great things and think outside the box. Judy Bryant, widow of Harold Bryant, has endowed these funds in the trust of AIANEA and with this scholarship, our AIANEA family encourages our youth to pursue their dreams and be inspired to do great things.
For more information call
Susan Looper, Scholarship Committee Co-chair at NRCS at (775) 857-8500, ext. 106
Melissa Sturdivant, Scholarship Committee Co-chair at NRCS at (325) 648-3118, ext. 102